Christmas Gnome: 23cm*

In stock

SKU ki23celf
Unit Kit
Availability 25
*20cm Styrofoam base
*395g Soft Glass Triangles
*25ml Silicon
*glass nuggets
*no cutting
*Step by step photos
*suitable for starters
*all materials included
*for inside and outside

Description / Christmas Gnome: 23cm*

Our new Christmas Elf is designed by Sirpa from Finland (check out her website: and is made on a styrofoam base using our soft glass triangles and silicon glue. No cutting or grouting is necessary. This kit is great for beginners. If you want to customise one in your own colours you need 300g of soft glass triangles for his hat, (, a 20cm Styrofoam cone ( and silicon or Olba glue. His beard is made from 70g og Baby's Breath soft glass puzzles and his jacket is 25g of Charcoal.

More Information

SKU ki23celf
barcode 8720004134151
Usage/Application Hobby, Indoor, Outdoor
Mounting Bagged
Colour Multi
Unit Kit
Material Mixed
Pieces per weight 1/350g
Thickness N/A
Finish Mixed
Transparency Opaque
Weight 1.000000